Troubleshooting Guide

Basic Troubleshooting

  • GinormoTime server does not show up on clients
  • GinormoTime uses multicast for network communication, this means that IGMP must be working on your network in order for communication to work correctly. If you have more than one network adapter, you will also need to select the network adapter you wish to use for GinormoTime, as Windows does not support joining multicast groups on multiple adapters at the same time.
  • Select the desired network adapter from the drop-down box in the Settings panel. You do not need to restart GinormoTime, the changes apply immediately.
  • If the server still does not appear in the drop-down, it is likely that Windows Firewall is blocking the GinormoTime network traffic.
  • In Windows Firewall settings on the Client, ensure that GinormoTime.exe is allowed through the firewall in the currently active profile.
  • If the firewall settings are correct and the server still does not show up in the client, check that the server and client are running the same version of GinormoTime.
  • The current GinormoTime version can be see in the title bar of the GinormoTime window, ensure that matching versions are in use.

  • GinormoTime client does not show up on server, even though the client can connect to the server
  • The most likely cause is that the GinormoTime server is blocking inbound connections thanks to Windows Firewall. Clients can join the server by joining the multicast group, however to be able to establish two-way communication with the server, the server must allow incoming connections.
  • In Windows Firewall settings on the Server, ensure that GinormoTime.exe is allowed through the firewall in the currently active profile.

  • GinormoTime caused me to spill my beer
  • GinormoTime cannot be reliably used to prevent beer spillage. If problem perisists, use sippy-cup.